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If you or someone you know would like to connect with us for more information about P-CAT,
TEXT P-CAT to 443-722-1170 or SEND AN EMAIL to contactus@fcfaglobal.org
Also, complete the P-CAT Registration Form which can be found HERE.
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Chronic diseases account for 71% of deaths globally. Smoking/tobacco use also heightens the risk for developing diabetes, and individuals who have diabetes and smoke are at increased likelihood of managing their conditions poorly.
P-CAT can do something to change this!
Good news! FCFA was among five organizations selected to receive the FY 23 Tobacco & Chronic Disease Grant award from the cigarette restitution fund program through the Howard County Health Department. We are excited and set to launch our newest program – Preventing Chronic Diseases and Tobacco Use (P-CAT) in Howard county.
P-CAT is designed to prevent chronic disease and tobacco use by helping people make small but sustainable changes in their daily routines. We want people to feel confident about their abilities so they can live healthier lives for themselves and their families! This program will also support vulnerable individuals by helping them make informed, culturally appropriate food choices, and small consistent lifestyle changes over time to live longer and healthier lives.
At FCFA, we believe that by promoting healthy behaviors through education and practical training we can reverse this trend starting from Howard County, Maryland.
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Virtual | 11/26/22 | 12:00p |
In-person meeting | 12/3/22 | 10:00a |
Virtual | 12/10/22 | 12:00p |
In-person meeting | 12/17/22 | 10:00a |
Virtual | 1/7/22 | 12:00p |
In-person meeting | 1/14/23 | 10:00a |
Virtual | 1/21/23 | 12:00p |
In-person meeting | 1/28/23 | 10:00a |
Virtual | 2/4/23 | 12:00p |
In-person meeting | 2/11/23 | 10:00a |
In-person meeting | 2/25/23 | 10:00a |
In-person meeting | 3/11/23 | 10:00a |
In-person meeting | 3/18/23 | 10:00a |
In-person meeting | 4/1/23 | 10:00a |
In-person meeting | 4/15/23 | 10:00a |
In-person meeting | 4/29/23 & 5/6/23 | 10:00a |
For more information on how to stop smoking and treatment options for smokers, please visit the Howard County Health Department’s Tobacco/Vaping Use Prevention and Cessation Program.
Find services for food, health, housing, transportation, education, employment assistance, and more on CAREAPP.
P-CAT participants will receive a free 1-year membership to TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). TOPS offers tools and programs for healthy living and weight management.